Join Today!
Consider joining us today ….
I encourage you to join us, as we endeavor to bring back Constitutional Law Abiding Governance to the corrupted Local, County & State Legislatures. We have the Positive Solutions needed, and wish to share tbem with you. As a member of this party; you will find that you have a place to ‘call home’, & directly work with, towards acheiving shared goals.
One day; I hope we can truly look back and say to ourselves: “Wow, I can’t believe how bad things were back then”…. Why? because of it being directly the result of all the hard work you & I, put into changing things for the better! Yes indeed; we view you as a valuable Direct Partner in this patriotic cause!
To become an eventual member of our party & the cause that we all believe in, …simply fill out this initial contact form. Scroll up and down within the contact form window. If it’s not displaying correctly; turn your mobile device sideways, or try ‘Desktop View’.
Another alternative is to open a separate window/tab here >
To Make a Donation, or to make/renew your Annual Dues, Go Here
( Sorry, the above link has been deactivated because it no longer goes to an existing, state party recipient media source. ) A new one cannot be created until a functioning State Committee has been re-established. To understand more; Call 781-386-1889 or send an email to …. 👍🇺🇸
To become a Registered voter, or change party registration: Click on your county and follow the prompts to download the registration form. When you get to “I wish to enroll in a political party” go to “other” and type in “Constitution”.
VERY IMPORTANT: take a snap shot of that part of the form and send it to We will put that in the record as a bonifide member in good standing. You will receive in the mail your confirmation from the Board of Elections of your decision to change parties. Please send a copy to the above address for our records.
If you have any trouble down loading the registration form just contact me and I will send you one immediately. I have plenty here.