Our first of the new year monthly meeting January 2022

You Have Been Invited to a Meeting
When:Date and time:1/5/22 7:30 PM – (US/Eastern)Duration:1.5 hours
Conference Call :Dial-in number:United States   (339) 207-6988 International dial-in numbers:View List
Video and Screen Sharing:Online meeting ID:wwildayOnline meeting link:https://join.freeconferencecall.com/wwilday

Our first of the new year monthly meeting. We welcome our members as well as our possible new members at our New Year meeting. there will be much to discuss, committee reports, new business, old business and more. more info? wwilday@nycap.rr.com Instructions:At the scheduled date and time of the meeting, dial in to the conference line. International participants will be prompted to enter the access code followed by hash (#).To join the video and screen sharing session, click the online meeting link.
Video and Screen Sharing:
Online meeting ID:wwilday
Online meeting link:https://join.freeconferencecall.com/wwilday

December 2021 Newsletter

                                                          Newsletter Decemeber 2021

Welcome members and friends.
Thanksgiving is behind us. Christmas is just ahead & then a new year in 2022. We have much to be thankful for and much to look forward to.

We all need to be thankful that we are members of the constitution party of New York and what we stand for. We will not falter, dilute, we will not concede our principles. It may not seem like we are on the right track, I personally believe we are. More and more people of color are waking up to the fact that the Democrats are not their friends. They will need a place to turn to and we all know that it’s also not the Republicans. The constitution is the solution and we have that solution with the Constitution Party of New York.

We do have much to look forward to. The national constitution party  has several members running for office in the midterms. Wherever you find them you should vote for them or tell your friends relatives and neighbors to vote for them. We also need to support them personally by  helping in campaigns or donating to campaigns.

The constitution party of New York participated in veteran’s day by placing the constitution party of New York wreaths, at two veteran’s day ceremonies on November 11th in the town of Rotterdam New York and Schenectady. The chairman participated in the 9/11 memorial ceremony at the River Lighthouse Restaurant in Schenectady. he attended the VFW, groundbreaking ceremony for a veteran community building in Glennville, New York. Additionally; Chairman Wilday Submitted a letter to the editor for the daily Gazette, Schenectady New York.

Membership Renewal
All memberships are due December 31st 2021.

The membership application is attached at the bottom, and within this newsletter section. Please fill this form out, take a picture of it, or send it to me snail mail. it is extremely important to keep our current membership up, and have new members be consistently added. 

it is the responsibility of each member to try to enroll new members. Our only strength politically; is our strength in numbers. Membership in the Constitution Party of New York would be a great stocking stuffer or gift for Christmas. …. Just an idea. 😉 Here is the contact application to fill out & share with others.

Become a Pollworker
The right to vote is one of our nation’s oldest and most important entitlements, and with this right comes responsibility. Free and open elections are the basis on which this country was formed and you can make a difference by becoming a poll worker to help protect those freedoms.

Because of COVID-19, New York is experiencing a critical shortage of poll workers. Historically, 55 percent of all New York’s poll workers are over the age of 60, making them especially vulnerable to the pandemic. This has resulted in a significant need for poll workers who are willing and able to assist with the administration of in-person voting during all elections.

When are you needed?
During Early Voting, October 23rd to October 31st, and Election Day, November 2nd.  

What tasks will you perform as a poll worker?

  • § Prepare the polling place for voting
  • § Set up the voting equipment
  • § Sign-in and process voters
  • § Enforce social distancing
  • § Demonstrate voting procedures to the voters
  • § Sanitize voting equipment
  • § Close the polling place
  • § Canvass and report the results
  • § Assist voter if requested

You are eligible to serve as a poll worker if you:
Are a New York State registered voter. If you are 17 years old, you may be eligible if your school district participates in a program under Education Law

Section 3207-a. Interpreters do not need to be registered voters. You will be assigned within the county where you live. If you live in New York City, you will be assigned within the five boroughs.

Will you be paid?
Yes, Poll Workers get paid for training and each day they work.
The Board of Elections is committed to fulfilling its responsibility to the citizens of New York State by providing fair and accurate elections. This responsibility and the credit associated with it must be shared with the many dedicated workers that help make elections successful. You can get involved and become a proud participant in a process that is the foundation of democracy in our country. Come work with us.
Applying is simple and easy:

If you live in NYC, please complete the NYC Election Day Worker Form.
If you live outside NYC, please complete the Outside NYC Election Day Worker Form.

Leadership Rolls
The constitution party is always looking for members to step up and partake in leadership roles. As a political party; we have exciting, key leadership roles to be filled at all levels. Currently; we are seeking to add to the Executive Committee, and there are several Special Committee chairmanships as well as Lead Contact Coordinators to help form County Committees. Could you be the one for the job?

The only way the Constitution Party of New York can thrive and become a political voice throughout our state, is for members to step up and accept the exciting challenge to be given the opportunity for these positions. You will always have my support and we will train you on the job, providing the resource materials & structure so you can be successful in it.

When everyone does a little bit; a lot gets done. When one person does a lot; sometimes only a little gets done. We need everyone participating, each doing a little bit to be successful.

If you feel you would like to learn more about some leadership roles please contact me ASAP. We would like to get an excellent leadership team on board before January 1st. Without a good leadership team we are just floating in the ocean without direction. Join the leadership team.👍

We are looking for constitution party members to run for office in 2022 in 2024. We believe that all politics is ultimately, local. Running for office like town supervisor, town board, school board, county legislators, receiver of taxes, and any other local offices Is where our sphere of influence will develop  

Upcoming events:
Monthly meeting-December 10  
Meet N Greet December 16

William D Wilday is inviting you to join their FreeConferenceCall Meeting Room. Join online for Video and Screen Sharing: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/wwilday

                                William D. Wilday, Chairman of the CPNY
wwilday@nycap.rr.com     518-701-1521