Upcoming Meeting Information March 21, 2020

Upcoming Meeting Information March 21, 2020

Your Chairman has been busy setting up a Zoom account. Zoom is a video conferencing site. I am scheduling our fist monthly meeting here on April 4 at 7:00. Mark your calendars!

At the moment this is the free service. We will have only 40 minutes to hold the meeting. As with all organizations this is a closed meeting. Only members in good standing (MIGS) will be invited to attend. MIGS are those that have verifiable poof their dues are paid through 2020 and have sent copies of their voter registration party affiliation as the Constitution Party of New York. This must be in the CPOFNY’s records and possession on or before April 3rd.  Guests may be invited from time to time as needed. Roberts Rule of Order will apply.

Invites will be sent on the 3rd of April.

Three major subjects I would like to cover are: (1) The State Convention, (2) Membership Growth and (3) Fund Raising.

If there are any other subjects you would like to present, please email me with your thoughts. I will do my best. Remember, we only have 40 minutes.

Yours in Freedom,

Chairman Wilday, wwilday@nycap.rr.com