Monthly Newsletter June 2021

Monthly Newsletter June 2021

There are so many things going on that it is exceedingly difficult to decide what topics to present here.
Join us for the Meet N Greet on May 27 at 7:30
MDial-in number (US): (339) 207-6988 International dial-in numbers: Online meeting ID: wwilday Join the online meeting:
For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text ‘Call Me’ to the Dial-In number above and you will be called into the conference. Message and data rates may apply.

It did occur to me that this country has a challenge in electing people with integrity, honesty, moral uprightness, trust, and many other admirable traits. I am pasting the Constitution Party’s platform on Character and Moral Conduct. This really does separate the Constitution Party from all others. You can find all the platform here

Character and Moral Conduct
“John Adams, 2nd President and signer of the Declaration of Independence warned: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any

other.” He also counseled: “The people have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge – I mean of the character and conduct of their rulers.” Our very Constitution is threatened when we permit immoral conduct by our leaders. Public respect and esteem toward public officials has fallen to a shameful level. The Constitution Party finds that a cause of this national state of disgrace is the deterioration of personal character among government leaders, exacerbated by the lack of public outcry against immoral conduct by public office holders. Our party leaders and public officials must display exemplary qualities of honesty, integrity, reliability, moral uprightness, fidelity, prudence, temperance, justice, fortitude, self-restraint, courage, kindness, and compassion. If they cannot be trusted in private life, neither can they be trusted in public life. It is imperative the members and nominated candidates representing the Constitution Party and its state affiliates recognize the importance of demonstrating good character in their own lives.”
I am not, by far, a perfect human being but I take this platform seriously
The January 6 Commission.
The Democrats want to form a January 6 Commission to investigate the U.S. Capitol breach. This is totally unnecessary. Congress already has the tools to investigate January 6. They have subpoena power through several government agencies, Homeland Security among them. They have done this as a SOP hundreds of times already. This is a blatant attempt drag out the process of an investigation for weeks and more like months all the way to the mid-term elections. At this writing, the Senate has not taken any action on this. Hopefully, they will do the right thing and vote it down.
Curtailing Emergency Powers
Kudos to the Pennsylvania voters for limiting the governor’s emergency powers!  
The voters approved two ballot questions concerning curtailing the governor’s emergency powers to the response of the coronavirus pandemic.  

The results show, unofficially, that 54% of voters want the state constitution amended to allow their state lawmakers to terminate a disaster declaration at any time. At the moment, it can only be terminated with the governor’s approval or two thirds of the support of the general assembly.
With nearly the same percentage the voters approved a proposal that limits a disaster declaration to 21 days, instead of 90. They also, approved transferring power to extend an emergency order from the governor to the legislature. Source Spotlight PA by Sarah Anne Hughes.
This is Pillar One of Three.

We are committed to restoring honesty, integrity, and accountability to government.

Do you laugh when you hear a politician say that they are a person of honesty and integrity?
Do you disbelieve just about every promise that political candidates make when running for office?
Do you think that this is the proper relationship between the people and their elected officials?
The Constitution Party solemnly makes this promise to you:
We will hold all our party officers and leaders strictly accountable for their conduct. They will be held to the highest ethical standards in dealing with the public, donors, government officials, and candidates. Corrupt candidates come from corrupt parties. Honest and honorable candidates can only come from a party that insists that all its leaders have the same characteristics.

When interviewing potential candidates, a history and reputation of their character, integrity, and commitment to honesty will be just as important as their commitment to Constitution Party principles.
We will only be seeking candidates that accept and recognize that all elected officials are Public Servants. We are seeking Representatives, not Rulers.
Most importantly, Constitution Party candidates will be strongly encouraged to sign a contract with the voters that lists the campaign promises that they will guarantee to accomplish while in office or face consequences.
WHY A CONTRACT? When you deal with businesses and people that you do not know, the contract is the instrument that we use to ensure that both parties will keep their promises. Our politicians have shown that they cannot be trusted with their promises and we are not going to ask you to trust us. We will EARN IT by signing a contract that specifically lists the promises that our candidate makes and requires them to keep them.
The Constitution of the United States is a contract between the government and the people. Why should candidates be exempted from a contract?

Memorial Day  
Memorial Day is Monday the 31st.  I am encouraging everyone to take a moment of observance and attend or better yet participate in the many local ceremonies. You may buy a few flags to put on veterans’ grave sites. You may escort a veteran that can’t attend a ceremony to one. You may visit a family members or friends last resting place and spend just a little time offering your respect.
If the membership send pictures of their Memorial Day ceremonies I will try to put them on our pages.  
                  If things do not change, they remain the same.
Be the change and join the Constitution Party of New York.

                             Yours in Freedom,
                              William D. Wilday,  
                              Chairman Constitution Party of New York


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