Monthly Newsletter February 2021
January was a fairly good month for us.
Our monthly meeting on the 6th of January was very productive. We had a couple of members in attendance with some great ideas and insights. We are putting some of those ideas into practice. Those ideas will help us grow.
The two Meet N Greets we are having per month are starting to bear fruit. Several people are attending. We talk about a wide variety of subjects concerning the Constitution Party of New York and where we are headed. If you can join us for these Meet N Greets please do. You may forward the login information to family, friends, and neighbors. These are a casual way to ask questions and learn more about us.
We have a new member coming on board from the Rochester area. His membership information has not been settled yet so I am not going to introduce him yet. I will in future correspondence.
One of our most important goals for 2021 and 2022 is to have quality, enthusiastic Constitution Party members running for local offices. Why is running for local office so important?
Your local representatives will be making legislative decisions that directly affect your everyday life. Your county legislatures, town boards, village trustees, sheriff, mayors, city councils, county clerks, school boards, and many others will make rules that affect you now. We need Constitution Party members to run for office and become rule makers, not rule followers.
Every county has their own Board of Elections. As a candidate you will need to visit your county BOE to research what positions will be up for election, how many ballot petitions signatures you will need and the time frame to get those signatures.
Then you will need to form a team of like-minded people that want to solve the problems that are central to all of you. You will then need to form your strategy. A campaign without a strategy is not a campaign at all.
Your fundraising efforts, which are unique to every campaign, will be determined by which position you are running for. For instance, when I ran for Schalmont School Board the petition signature requirement was only 25 to get on the ballot. When I ran for Assembly District 111 the signature requirement was 1,500 signatures. Two vastly different campaigns that required vastly different fundraising efforts and teamwork.
There is a lot more that needs to be done. If you have thoughts of running for office now is the time to start organizing. You may contact me at to start ball rolling. I am here to help you regardless of where you are in the state.
Increasing our membership is another top priority. Without a solid membership base, we will not be able to accomplish any of our goals. Membership is only $20.00 for the year. Our fiscal year is from January 1 through growing December 31st. With membership you will be able to attend the monthly meetings, become an Executive Committeeman, chair, or be involved in important committees, running for any leadership positions at the State Convention and most importantly have your voice heard. We will make a huge difference when we all work together.
I am floating the idea of having Patriot Potluck get togethers. We could organize within our own spheres of influence, by that I mean family, friends, and neighbors, that are Patriot minded. We could just get together to enjoy each other’s company. The idea is to exchange thoughts and ideas to let us Patriots know we are not alone.
We may have a core group of people to rotate monthly get togethers in homes or set up a monthly get together at a central location. It’s a small way to keep Patriotism alive and well.
Our National Platform on Executive Orders:
Executive Orders Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution clearly restricts the power to make laws: “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States”. Presidential Executive Orders are clearly “legislative powers”. We oppose the use of Presidential executive orders that make law or otherwise usurp the Constitutional authority and responsibilities of the legislative
and judicial branches. This Constitutionally subversive practice must be stopped by Congress. All unconstitutional executive orders must be repealed.
I have been very concerned about the use of Executive Orders from both Democrat and Republican Presidents for a long time.
As I understand it Executive Orders were designed for the President to be able to quickly issue orders to the Federal workforce when needed. Just as with any Executive of any large company, in this case the Federal Government, the President may feel the need to quickly issue mandates to correct or solve federal problems.
What is the difference between a law and executive order?
Such orders carry the same force of law as executive orders, the difference between being that executive orders are aimed at those inside government, but proclamations are aimed at those outside government.
What is an executive order and who can overturn it?
Congress may try to overturn an executive order by passing a bill that blocks it. But the president can veto that bill. Congress would then need to override that veto to pass the bill. Also, the Supreme Court can declare an executive order unconstitutional.
I understand I am an outside observer here but the President, by Executive Order, halted the Keystone pipeline. There are several particulars outside government that should be addressed. The Union workers on this project are not federal employees, they are outside government. There are many, I assume, contracts between Canada and several states and even the Native American Reservations that must be honored. This order has affected many entities outside government that the Supreme Court may declare the Executive Order unconstitutional.
The current Republicans should sue the government to get this and the Wall Executive Orders overturned as unconstitutional. There are probably many other that may be unconstitutional as well.
Constitution Party Current Office Holders: (a partial list)
Alabama: Riverside City Council William Cantley
Alaska: Andersen City Council Brad Shepard
Deltana Community Corporation Board Pam Goode
Illinois: Liberty Township Trustee Phil Collins
Louisiana: City of Eunice Police Chief Randy Fonetnot
Webster Parish School Board Ronnie L. Broughton
Pennsylvania: Osceola Township Supervisor Bob Goodrich
Judge of Elections Manor New East Precinct James M. Clymer
Utah: Duchesne City Council Bryce Hamilton and Danny Peatross
Enoch City Council Steven W. Johnson
Spring City Mayor Jack Monnett
Morgan County School District 5 Adam Tone
The above is just a short list of local Constitution Party members elected to office. See the full list at “”. We can do it in New York too!
Yours in Freedom,
Bill Wilday